Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Our life is Influenced and Directed from the Support or Non Support of Society.

I raised my eldest daughter that if you want something let nothing keep you from it. Don't listen to others, follow your own mind...and pray. She never gives up because of that, and is doing much more, much quicker in her life. To be told how to live life is helpful to a point...then you let them free to do 'their' destined purpose.

What a delight to see that we have leaders and followers. It is just unfortunate to have people be influenced by others in a negative way. Informal social influence is much worse than formal control. But, how this ties into religious/non religious classification stuns me. Not all Christiand think the same, or follow exact doctrine in their churches.

I am Christian and feel that I am to obey the laws, and follow God's teachings as I see

Feb 23, 2011
Social Control
There are two forms of social control. Church and state. Atheism is to the church what "limited government" is to state. The ruling establishment is and always been afraid of both, and for good reason. Freedom of dissent allows change. Change allows for the rich and the ruling classes to be ousted from their thrones. They seek to stop the enlightenment because it is imposable to own somebody if that person realizes that they can never really be owned, by either god or man.

True freedom has something to do with your innermost being, which cannot be chained, handcuffed or put in jail.

Daniel Snelling
ScrewLiberals 2011

8:56 AMLike·Comment

Tamara Expound. I would think you are speaking of formal social control. However, I believe Informal Social control is what is creating so much chaos, and catastophy in this world...completely changing countries and establishing fear in everyone...but, it is started by the 'heads of governments and groups' which is formal government. This is the only way I could keep this short and sweet...without being a 4 page essay. "You have nothing to fear, but fear itself." We have so much to be afraid of, because someone said so, and then we are limited and bound, because someone said so..."There is always a finger pointing time".There is always someone to say "This is what you can eat, wear, do." Only to hear the higher power say, "Don't look at the man behind the curtain." Then he says, "I have the solution." But, we are free to choose, to step out, to make changes...and only a small powerful% of the world will actually do that. Everyone else will talk about it...and be distracted and not focused. The hierarchy knows that they are manipulating the surroundings and that people will never blame them. And as long as there offering, 'bread and circuses', people will be happy & distracted in clusters. And there will be obvious slaughtering and injustice, but people will watch to see if others reaction. But, if people see there is no police, or outcry....then it must be okay (but hierarchy...until those people are coming to the slaughter. or getting on the's too late then. Who will save them. Why didn't they follow their own gut? Why didn't they speak out? Why did they allow any of this to happen? They were followers and not leaders. They wanted to be liked, to have fun, and to enjoy life. They didn't want to be hasseled with the drama, and it was 'all about me', 'everybody has problems... But, who will save me? Where did my freedom go? And that is history repeating itself over and over...because of selfish greed. The greed doesn't have to do with the religions or lack of the religion, it has to do with the leader, the individual, and whether they are seeking to do good or to do bad in their actions, and words. Words are much more powerful than stones. The words travel faster and affect others permanently. I believe that is why technology is so very important in government today...and is so regulated for the 'simpleton'...There is so much power in it, the world almost is one...and there isn't need for many leaders one day. Whether we are believers in Christ or not...evidence shows this is happening before our eyes. Corrupt evil people are battling against Good Faithful People...and this is all over the world. This is chaos. There is a scripture that says, God is not the god of chaos or confusion. Jeremiah 29:11: God is not the author of confusion Jeremiah 29:11-13 "For I know the plans I have for you,” says the L ord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a HOPE. So, I am not so worried about it anymore. But, we should still try to make others aware of the things that are happening. And I am so happy that you are doing that so very well. : ) Thank you Daniel. I always enjoy your writing blogs.

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